Product Summery
Who is this book for?
The Oxford English Grammar Course (Intermediate Level) is for all intermediate and upper-intermediate leamers who want to improve their knowledge of English grammar.
What kind of English does the book teach?
This book teaches the grammar of spoken and written British English. But it can also be used by
students of American, Australian or other kinds of English - the grammatical differences are very small and unimportant
How is the book organised?
There are 22 sections. A section covers one part of English grammar (for example: making questions and negatives; present tense verbs: problems with nouns). Each section contains:
a presentation page which introduces the point of grammar
several short units with explanations and exercises
two More Practice pages: these include Grammar in a text' exercises and internet exercises
a short revision test.
Two levels
Some units are marked "Revise the Basics: these revise elementary points of grammar which may still cause problems. More advanced units are marked Level 2.
Using the book to study particular points
If you want to know more about a particular point (for example present tenses, the difference between should and must, or the position of adverbs), look in the index (pages 377-386) to find the right unit(s). Read the explanations and do the exercises. Check your answers in the answer key (pages 329-376).
Using the book for systematic study
If you are working without a teacher, we suggest
1 DON'T go right through the book from beginning to end-some parts will be unnecessary for you.
2 Decide which sections you most need to study. Section 1, be and have, for example? Section 8,
Questions and negatives? Section 19, helatives? Or other sections?
3 Go to the pages that you need. Read the grammar explanations, do the exercises, and check your answers in the answer key (pages 329-376).
4 In some units there are Grammar and vocabulary exercises for students who would like to learn more words. Try these as well if you want to.
5 There are also some 'Do it yourself exercises, which will give you a chance to discover rules for yourself. 6 Do some or all of the exercises in the More Practice pages.
7 Go to the revision test at the end of the section, and try some or all of the questions.
8 Check your answers. If you still have problems, look at the explanations again.
On the website there are tests which will help you to decide what you need to study, or to find out how well you have learnt the different points of grammar. There are also extra exercises and games to give
you more practice on some of the points.
The Pronunciation for grammar CD-ROM will help you to pronounce structures fluently, with good rhythm and stress.
This book teaches all of the grammar (and more) that is needed for Common European Framework Levels B1 and B2 and is suitable for learners studying for Cambridge FCE.
Oxford English Grammar Cou
Oxford English Grammar Course
If you know everything in the book, will you speak perfect English?
No, sorry!
1 Not many people leam foreign languages perfectly. (And not many people need to) But this book will help you to speak and write much more correctly.
2 Books like this give short practical explanations. They cannot tell you the whole truth about English grammar and they cannot give you enough practice to get all the difficult points right. If you follow the rules in this book, you will not make many mistakes. But you will probably need to practise using the structures in different situations. (The website material will help with this.) You will find more complete information about difficult points in the Advanced Level of the Oxford English Grammar Course, or in Michael Swan's Practical English Usage (Oxford University Press.
3 Grammar is not the only important thing in a language. You also need a wide vocabulary, and-very important- you need a lot of practice in listening and speaking, reading and writing. Remember: this is a grammar practice book, not a complete English course.
We hope that you will anic wing our book