American English Teachers Book 4

American English Teachers Book 4


Product Summery

American English File is an integrated skills series that gets students talking – in class and everywhere. Our aim with American English File Second Edition has been to make every lesson better  and more student-friendly and teacher-friendly. We’ve created a blend of completely new lessons, updated texts and activities, and refreshed and fine-tuned some favorite lessons from New  English File. In addition to Student Book Lessons A and B, there is a range of material that can be used according to your students’ needs and the time and resources you have available.
• Colloquial English video and exercises (also available on the audio CD, class DVD for home- study)

• Review & Check pages, with reading and listening (also available on the audio CD for home-study)
• Photocopiable Grammar, Vocabulary,Communicative, and Song activities (in the Teacher’s Book).

What do Upper-intermediate students need?
Upper-intermediate students justly feel that they are now high-level learners of English, and are ready to advance to become very proficient users of the language. To achieve this, they need  motivating materials and challenging tasks. They need to set clear course goals from day one in terms of language knowledge, fluency, and accuracy in speaking. Finally, they need classes to be  as fun and dynamic as they were at lower levels: there is no reason why higher-level teaching should become dry and over-serious. Students still want to enjoy their English classes – roleplays, language games, challenges, quizzes, and songs are still as valuable pedagogically as they were, and can often be exploited even better at this level.

Grammar Upper-intermediate students need
• to review their knowledge of main structures.
• to learn more sophisticated grammar structures.
• opportunities to use instinct.
American English File 4 Second Edition puts as much emphasis on consolidating and putting into practice known grammar as learning new structures. It provides contexts for new language that  will engage students, using real-life stories and situations, humor, and suspense. The Grammar Banks give students a single, easy-to-access grammar reference section, with clear rules,  example sentences with audio, and common errors. There are at least two practice exercises for each grammar point.

 Mini Grammar focuses on smaller grammar items. There is a  photocopiable activity to give more practice of each point. The oral grammar practice exercise in the Student Book and the photocopiable Communicative speaking activities in the Teacher’s  Book encourage students to use grammatical structures in controlled and freer contexts. The photocopiable Grammar activities in the Teacher’s Book can be used for practice in class or for self-study.

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