Product Summery
The Jolly Phonics Workbooks teach progressively, with more to learn in each Workbook.Progress can be assessed on the skills checklist below.
Recognizes the fifth group of letter sounds: z, w, ng, v, oo, oo
Can blend simple words and phrases that use the letter sounds taught so far Blending is an essential skill for reading. To read words, the sounds of the letters are blended together from left to right. Plenty of practice is needed to blend words with digraphs in them. Sample words include zoo, rain, sing, pie, room, foot, week, wing.
Can say the sound when shown a digraph
Digraphs are two letters that make one sound – /ai/, /oa/, /ie/, /ee/, /or/, /ng/, /oo/.
Can recognize capital letters and knows the sounds they make
Can recognize the numerals 1–5
Holds a pencil correctly Correct pencil hold is important. The “tripod”grip is recommended. The pencil is held between the thumb and the first finger, with the third finger providing support underneath the pencil. The hand should rest on the table. Writing becomes easier and more fluent when the pencil is held correctly. Early guidance helps to prevent bad habits developing.
Can form correctly the letters for the fifth group of letter sounds:z, w, ng, v, oo, oo
It is important that children form the letters correctly; this prevents problems developing when they move to joined-up (cursive) writing.
Can write the letters for the sounds when they are called out (dictated) The children need to remember that for digraphs two letters are needed.
Can hear the sounds in simple regular words This includes words with digraphs, such as zoom, will, sang, foot, boots.
Can form the numerals 1–5