Better reading French Book

Better reading French Book


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Better Reading French has been developed for English speakers who have a basic to intermediate knowledge of French and is designed to help them read French better and to encourage them to read more. To  read better, we must read more. As an encouragement for beginning readers, I have organized this book according to eight areas of interest: love, writing, cuisine, music, museums and gardens, science and  technology, and symbols of France and Europe. At least one of these areas should interest the reader immediately, and after that subject is explored, interest in another will follow.
The selections include material that has appeared in magazines and books, as well as on the Internet. In addition to recipes, essays,poems, book excerpts, and songs, there are original articles appearing in print for  the first time. Selections not otherwise credited were compiled, adapted, or created by the author. While each section’s material relates to a topic in French culture, the section as a whole is not intended to be an  overview or summary of the topic. Instead, the selections have been chosen for their broad appeal, their variety, and their likelihood to inspire readers to explore new horizons and to feel confident as they encounter  the written word in French in its myriad forms.
Each section begins with the selections that are easiest to read,although none of the material has been simplified. The selections become progressively more difficult within each section. Almost all reading selections  are followed by one or more exercises designed to help readers develop skills in understanding what they are reading.The overall goal is to help readers develop reading strategies that will help them understand and  benefit from future reading material. If we can read better, we will read more.

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