Word Smart

Word Smart


Product Summery

About Word Smart

We wrote the first Word Smart thinking it would be our only vocabulary book. Most vocabulary books include too many words that people rarely use, and not enough of the words people actually encounter in school or in their daily lives. For Word Smart, we wanted only the most important  words in an educated vocabulary, the words people truly need to know to do well in school and in their careers. 
Here’s what we said on the back cover of Word Smart:
Improving your vocabulary is important, but where do you start? The English language has hundreds of thousands of words. To find out which words you absolutely need to know,The Princeton Review researched the vocabularies of educated adults. We analyzed newspapers from The New York Times to The Wall Street Journal, magazines from Time to Scientific American, and books from current bestsellers to the classics. We threw out the words that most people know and focused on the words that people misunderstand or misuse. From these, we selected the 823  words that appeared most frequently.
Since we first wrote those words, hundreds of thousands of people have purchased Word Smart. Many of them, having learned the words in the first volume, did not want to stop there. They asked us for other important words they should know.
So we set out to collect another batch of words. We went through the same research process we did when compiling our first volume. We still concentrated on the words that occurred most frequently, but there were some important differences in the way we made our final selection.

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