Product Summery

Using the Guide Book

This guide book is divided into three sections; Section 1, 2 and 3.Section 1 takes teachers through a quick tour of the entire English Language Curriculum for primary schools and details the modularity of focus as well as the principles and educational emphases in the new curriculum. Here,
English Language Curriculum for Year 4 pupils are detailed.

Section 2 contains sample lessons which cover the learning standards that must be achieved in the Year 4 classroom. These lessons serve as a resource and guide to teachers when planning their lessons. However, the sample lessons are by no means totally comprehensive nor  exhaustive as they do not constitute lessons for the entire year. Instead, they are provided to show how teachers can carry out a full week’s lessons comprising listening & speaking, reading, writing, language arts and grammar in a cohesive and integrative manner, following the modular  configuration. Thus, teachers will be able to observe how a week’s lessons can be planned and executed progressively and developmentally.

Section 3 includes grammar notes and helpful suggestions which are useful for teachers. The grammar notes are meant for teachers only.

All the sample lessons and materials in this guide book are adaptable and teachers should feel free to modify them to suit the learning needs of their pupils. Teachers should incorporate the contemporary literature/children’s literature in their daily lessons. As teachers are the best people to  decide what works best for their pupils, they should use their pedagogical expertise and experience in adapting and modifying ideas from this book. Since there is no single ‘best way’ in classroom practices, teachers are encouraged to be creative and innovative so that interesting,  meaningful, purposeful and fun lessons can be carried out to help pupils learn better.

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