Teacher's Handbook for Starlight, Book 6

Teacher's Handbook for Starlight, Book 6


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About Starlight
Starlight is a six-level course for children learning English.
The course combines a rich grammar and vocabulary syllabus with fresh, modern visual appeal and all the rich, imaginative context of a true story-based course. The context for the Starlight course is The Starlight  School and the Starlight characters are all school students. In each cycle we experience the daily life and learning of a different age group of student characters. And just as they are given a chance to shine,  students learning English with Starlight are also inspired to flourish.
Starlight 6
In Starlight 6, students are guided through the book by triplets, Anna, Lily and Alex, who are students at The Starlight School.
In the Starter Unit the children return to school after the summer vacation and meet their new teacher, Mr. Murphy.At the end of the lesson, Mr. Murphy sets the class a homework assignment, which sets the topic  for the next unit.The opening spread of each unit shows texts that are brought in by the children for their homework assignment. Each text is based on authentic material that children would find at home. At the end  of each unit, Mr. Murphy reveals the homework for the next unit and the children are introduced to the context for the next unit.
Engage - Practice - Communicate
The underlying approach to Starlight is about motivating students with interesting topics and relevant language, systematically developing their language abilities and skills, and providing lots of opportunities to  communicate.Every lesson follows the Engage - Practice - Communicate approach with clear stages, highlighted in the teaching notes.
It is important to motivate students, to activate their existing knowledge and to create an environment in which they want to learn. This is done in Starlight through the visual vocabulary presentation, imaginative  stories with story cards and activities that encourage creativity and critical thinking.
Students need plenty of opportunities to practice new language using a variety of contexts and activities. Familiar grammar structures are used to help students explore new vocabulary and familiar words to  provide support for students practicing new structures.

The main aim of learning a language is being able to communicate, and Starlight provides lots of opportunities (both guided and open) for students to communicate in a collaborative fashion, through role-plays,  information gap activities and personalised speaking in groups and pairs.
As a story-based course, Starlight has storytelling at the very core of its methodology. The value of stories is widely recognized in Primary English Language Teaching. Children come to the primary classroom  already equipped with an understanding of stories and the way they work. This familiarity with narrative conventions, as well as an expectation of the pleasure and enjoyment that stories bring, empowers them with  confidence and motivation from the outset – an ideal starting point for students learning English at this level.
In addition, stories are the perfect vehicle for the presentation of new language structures, due to the meaningful, visually supportive and very immediate context they naturally provide. The emphasis on stories is  also invaluable in the development of children’s literacy skills, as it furthers familiarity and understanding of the functions of text, as well as promoting a positive attitude to books and reading, which is key to  academic success. Stories are a way of immersing children in the target culture, which is a significant part of learning a foreign language and of considerable benefit to children preparing to sit external exams.  They are also a useful framework for developing 21st Century Skills, particularly raising awareness with regard to the target culture, as well as inter-curricular themes and citizenship.
Vocabulary and grammar
Starlight incorporates a greater amount of vocabulary and a wider range of grammatical structures than would be expected in a mainstream English language course. The language syllabus for Starlight 1 to  Starlight 6 has been designed in line with the syllabus of the Cambridge English:  Young Learners and the Cambridge English: Key (KET for schools) examinations. At the same time, equal emphasis has been  placed on the importance of teaching a practical, well-balanced, high frequency language syllabus, which is appropriate for all children learning English at this level.
Starlight has an integrated approach to language and skills development. Through a variety of enjoyable tasks with a very systematic approach, the children progress from listening practice to speaking practice,  from speaking practice to reading practice and from reading practice to writing practice.Over the Starlight series as a whole, care has also been taken to ensure that children preparing for Cambridge English  examinations develop the required level of skills competency, as well as familiarity with examination task types.
Starlight 6 recognises the particular importance of listening in the early years of language learning. All new language is presented with clear models for aural recognition. Listening to songs, chants, stories, and  texts also helps the children internalize the language and expose them to native speaker pronunciation.
There is a strong focus on speaking in Starlight, with activities designed to help children develop fluency and accuracy.This includes personalized speaking activities, practice of everyday dialogue and  communicative games.
Reading and writing
Students learning English need to be able to make progress quickly with reading and writing.Starlight 6 takes a very systematic approach to reading and writing. It familiarizes children with the structures and conventions of different types of text before any reading or writing takes place.The Student Book and Workbook provide models of writing that children can use to support their own writing.External  examinations for young learners At this level of English language learning, many young learners in Primary 1 to Primary 6 are entered for external examinations: The Starlight series aims to prepare students to sit  Starters by the end of Starlight 2, Movers by the end of Starlight 4 and Key for schools examination (KET) by the end of Starlight 6.
The Culture lessons throughout the Starlight series raise the children’s awareness of being part of a global community by helping them to develop an awareness of the people around them, as well as a stronger  understanding of their own culture.

Starlight 6 has a strong pronunciation focus. The Perfect Pronunciation sections deal with intonation, stress in words,sentences and questions and pronunciation of numbers and web addresses.
Songs are an invaluable way of practicing new language,as they naturally include plenty of repetition and greatly aid memory through their use of rhythm. These cover a wide variety of musical genres, specifically  designed to encompass the diverse range of musical styles children enjoy in the real world.
Cross-curricular focus
The Starlight course embraces the opportunity to transfer useful, practical English language to a range of different areas of the curriculum including art, music, science, geography, history and math. The areas  chosen reflect and build on the kind of subject matter that the students are working with in other classes.
Values and citizenship
Learning about values is a key feature of the Starlight series as a whole. In Starlight 6, the values integrate socio-cultural aspects of learning and helps to promote self-esteem, as well as positive attitudes,  tolerance and respect towards others. Students experience the benefit of the unit value through the development of the project.
Systematic recycling of all core language takes place in every unit. In Starlight 6, all the core vocabulary and grammar of the unit is revised in the Review lesson.

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