Reading Triumphs Teachers Book KG

Reading Triumphs Teachers Book KG


Product Summery

Program Overview

Who is Reading Triumphs for?
Reading Triumphs is a comprehensive reading intervention program designed for students in Kindergarten through Grade 6 who have a gap in  acquiring basic reading skills. Reading Triumphs offers early, frequent intensive instruction to close the achievement gap.
How do I use Reading Triumphs?

within the reading/language arts block for small group skills instruction

 for Tier 3 intervention instruction

 before- or after-school intervention and tutorial programs

during summer school

Why is Reading Triumphs effective?

 mix of fiction and nonfiction reading

 targeted lessons focused on priority skills including Phonemic Awareness, Phonics, Vocabulary,Comprehension, Fluency, Writing, and  Grammar

 scaffolded, small group, research-based skills lessons that provide ample practice for students in I Do/We Do/You Do format

 suggestions for immediate corrective feedback

 easy-to-follow lesson plans, incorporating daily and weekly routines

 repetition and review of skills taught

 additional instruction for those skills with which students continue to struggle

How do I know where to place my students in
Reading Triumphs?

Use the results from your school or district screening assessment to identify students who are at risk. Then use the diagnostic assessment in  Reading Triumphs Assessment to determine where to place each student in the program. 
How do I know when my students are ready to
exit Reading Triumphs?

Multiple assessment opportunities are offered in Reading Triumphs to monitor students’ progress.
 Daily informal Quick Checks allow teachers to immediately identify specific skills that students understand and skills for which students  need continued instruction and practice.
 Weekly Assessment (Grades 1–6) helps identify specific skills students continue to struggle with after a week’s worth of instruction, practice, and review.
 Mid-Unit Assessment (Grades 1–6) monitors students’mastery of skills taught over a 2-week period of time.This is a cumulative assessment  of skills.
 End-of Unit Assessment (Grades K–6) monitors progress over a 5-week period of time, or a 3-week period for Kindergarten. This is also a  cumulative assessment of skills.
 Exit Assessment is a series of assessments that can be offered every 6–9 weeks to help teachers determine students who have done well on the weekly and unit tests and may no longer need intensive intervention.

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