Product Summery
The questions in this booklet cover a wide range of difficulty levels from the very simple to challenging levels. They cover the range of topics found in the curricula of most Boards. The topics covered are: Arithmetic, Set Theory, Interpretation of Tables and Charts, Logical Reasoning, Algebra (Number Theory, Permutations, Combinations and the Binomial Theorem, Logarithms, Linear Equations, Matrices, Solution of Equations, Series, Inequalities, Complex Numbers), Geometry (Euclidean Geometry, Coordinate Geometry- lines, circles, conic sections, polar coordinates- Locus of a Point, Three-Dimensional Geometry), Trigonometry (Identities, Solution of Trigonometric Equations, Heights and Distances, Sine & Cosine Formula for Tri- angles), Calculus (Sequences, Functions, Limits, Continuity, Derivative, Maxima & Minima, Definite Integrals, Primitives, Methods of Integration, Evaluation of Areas and Volumes using Integration) and Mensuration. The questions are arranged topic- wise (approximately) and within a topic arranged in order of difficulty from easy to hard, according to our judgement of difficulty. Of course, a particular candidate may find a 'hard' question easy and may struggle over what we thought was an easy question! Also, unique classification of a question under a topic may not always be feasible. Many questions involve ideas and terms from more than one topic; for in- stance, a question on maxima using Calculus techniques, may relate to trigonometric functions. Such questions have been classified under the topic in which the central idea and the method of solution rest. Further, it is quite possible that a student solves a question posed under one topic, using the techniques of another; for instance, one may solve a problem posed in the language of geometry using calculus. Thus both the ways of arrangement- topic-wise and difficulty-wise-are subject to these lim- itations. The first section presents the multiple-choice questions. The next section provides the correct alternatives (key) to the multiple-choice questions. Candidates are advised not to use this key until after they have made all attempts to work out the correct alternative to a question. The last section presents the Short-Answer type of questions.
A great deal of care has been taken to eliminate mistakes in the questions and in the alternatives provided. However, a few mistakes may still remain. We hope that we shall discover them before the next edition.
We would like to express our appreciation to Shri Ranjan Bhattacharyya and Shri Subhasish Kumar Pal for help in transcription of the material for computer processing and to Shri R.N.Kar for help with his expertise in LATEX.