Speak German In 90 Days Book

Speak German In 90 Days Book


Product Summery

How to Study

This book consists of 90 lessons that can be studied in one day each. Each lesson will present you with ten vocabulary words to memorize, and most will also contain a grammar structure to memorize. To memorize vocabulary, please create note cards using the grammar and vocabulary from each daily lesson. It is important that you have access to your vocabulary at all times during the day. If you are unable to create your own note cards, you can use the ones provided at the end of the book.

On both sides of the card, write the numbers 1-10. On one side, write the English word, and on the other side, write the German equivalent. Read word number one out loud. Flip the card. Read the German equivalent word out loud. Go on to the second word. Do this at least ten times for each word. You may notice, by the tenth time, that you can remember some of the words without making any effort. Please note that out loud is bold and underlined. It is extremely important that you say the words out loud.

Do this at least three times a day. The more often you do it, the easier it will be to recall the words. At the end of the day, try to make a sentence with the words you've memorized, or simply use the sample sentences provided in this book. Making sentences with your vocabulary words is just as important as saying everything out loud. If you do these two simple things, your progress will be much faster.

Practice each new card along with the old ones every day until you are able to freely use the vocabulary words on your own. Review all vocabulary at least once a week, even if you feel you have memorized it. Your brain will play tricks on you, and you may begin to memorize the order of the words on the card, so it is important to mix the order up. Do the odd words, then do the even words. Do the words backward. You can also switch the language you start with. Start on the English side to improve your speaking, and start on the German side to improve your reading and listening. Say everything out loud.

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